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Population Foundation: Communication Campaign via Facebook

Population Foundation of India is partnering with the Government of India and Facebook for creation of content strategy, messaging and creatives around COVID-19; disseminating creatives and messages with state govts...
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Population Council: Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to COVID-19

The Population Council Institute’s COVID-19 study team is implementing rapid phone-based surveys to collect information on knowledge, attitudes and practices, as well as needs, among 2041 young people (ages 18–25...
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Oxford Policy Management: Research on the Role of Frontline Health Workers

Oxford Policy Management (India) is the recipient of a learning grant on frontline health workers. We have adapted our ongoing work on FLWs to generate evidence on the health systems’...
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Oxfam India: Relief Work

Oxfam India is responding to the crisis in 14 states on prevention and social protection. With the support of 41+ partners Oxfam is doing the following interventions: – Food and...
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NCAER: Delhi NCR Coronavirus Telephone Survey (DCVTS)

In order to understand and quantify the early impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and the pandemic induced lockdown, the National Data Innovation Centre of the National Council of Applied Economic...
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Microsave Consulting: Research Support for State Governments and Ministries

Microsave Consulting (MSC) is tracking initiatives of the state governments/UTs and has created a knowledge sharing platform for exclusive use of GoI and states/UTs. We are also working with a...
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Jan Sahas: Provision of Ration Kits, Safety Kits, and PPE

Jan Sahas has been working to provide dry ration kits for containment areas of the government in Delhi and Madhya Pradesh. Apart from this, we have been engaged in distributing...
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Jan Sahas: Helpline for Migrant Workers

Jan Sahas has set up a helpline for workers in distress. – The workers are supported through financial help, dry ration kits, mobile top ups etc when needed. – They...
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IWWAGE-LEAD at Krea University: Impact of the Lockdown on Female Migrant Workers

IWWAGE-LEAD at Krea University is collating information on impact of the lockdown on migrant workers – especially women – in collaboration with feminist networks, worker unions, migrant unions and LEAD.
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Indus Action: Phone Survey Around Access to Government Stimulus Packages and Relief Efforts

Indus Action has brought together close to 400 volunteers to conduct on-call survey of EWS/DG families across 13-14 states to understand the access to government stimulus packages and relief efforts, ...
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IFPRI: Rapid Phone Survey of Self Employed Women’s Association Members

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) conducted a rapid COVID-19 phone survey of Self Employed Women’s Association members in India to study knowledge, attitude, and practice on COVID-19, and impacts...
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IDinsight: Rapid Feedback for the Government of India on COVID-19 Knowledge, Behaviour Change, and Economic Effects

IDinsight’s Data on Demand team is collecting data from 27 of the poorest districts (NITI mentored Aspirational Districts) across eight states in India. We are collecting data on COVID-related awareness,...
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