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Room to Read: Remote-based Education and Learning Activities

As an organization working in education (early literacy and girls education), our efforts will be to respond to the educational needs of children and girls and prevent loss of learning....
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YLAC: Citizen Engagement and Advocacy

Founded in 2016, Young Leaders for Active Citizenship (YLAC) aims to increase the participation of young people in the policymaking process and build their capacity to lead change. We run...
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Accountability Initiative: Voices from the Field

All insights produced by the Accountability Initiative so far is available in the link below. The main idea is to synthesize information already being put out in a manner that...
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EPoD India at Krea University: Survey on Availability of Food and Prices at PDS Shops

EPoD India launched a survey asking local officials about availability of basic food supplies in PDS shops and availability and prices at local private shops.
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EPoD India at KREA University: Calls to Improve COVID-19 Awareness of Rural Women

EPoD India is making automated calls with Health Department-approved COVID-related information to rural women and following up with pull calls on women’s knowledge of COVID, experiences during the lockdown, etc.
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Buzz Women India: Awareness Creation, Information Sharing and Capacity Building

These are the overall combat strategies for post-pandemic rehabilitation that Buzz Women will focus on – 1.Awareness creation and information sharing will take place on two levels – beneficiary and...
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Wadhwani AI: Data Science and AI Based Modelling and Tools

Wadhwani AI is working on: – Actionable insights: Analysing anonymized telecom data from social media and telecom companies to yield actionable insights from mobility patterns – Scenario modelling: Modelling the...
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World Vision India: Relief Efforts

World Vision has reached out to 692,117 people for creating awareness on prevention, 206,322 cooked food packets have been distributed, 18,377 households are supported with dry rations, 4058 households provided...
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WaterAid India: Communication Campaign on Good Hygiene Practices to Prevent COVID-19

WaterAid India has rolled out an eight day communication campaign ‘Good Hygiene Practices to Prevent COVID-19’ . The campaign will be run till the 11th of April 2020. Material (Audio/...
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Wadhwani AI: COVID-19 Data Science Consortium

Wadhwani AI has convened COVID-19 Data Science Consortium to: – Engage a diverse set of individuals and organizations (epidemiological modelers, AI & data scientists, engineers, data sources, and data management...
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Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy: Analyzing Legal Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis

The Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy is analysing legal responses at the Central and State level to the COVID-19 crisis, identifying gaps in the existing legal framework, and making recommendations...
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The Hunger Project: Strengthening Capacities of Elected Women Representatives in Gram Panchayats

The Hunger Project is: 1. Engaging with Elected Women Representatives in Gram Panchayats. Through our partner organisations in 6 states, we are reaching out to around 8,000 EWRs (virtually) to...
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