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Centre for Effective Governance of Indian States (CEGIS): Partnership with the Government of Telangana for Data Collection

The Centre for Effective Governance of Indian States (CEGIS) is working with Government of Telangana to set up a real time data gathering mechanism to understand the impact of COVID-19...
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Centre for Civil Society: Research of the Impact of the Lockdown on Farmers

The Centre for Civil Society is conducting a research and knowledge-dissemination effort to document and highlight the barriers to farmers’ ability to sell their produce in the context of the...
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Centre for Civil Society: Voucher Programme for COVID-19 Testing

The Centre for Civil Society is designing a flexible, responsive voucher programme to incentivise citizen opt-in for SARS-COV2 testing, and incentivise private labs to conduct tests for target population without...
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Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3): Surveys with Adolescents, Teachers, and Frontline Workers

The Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3) is conducting telesurveys with adolescents, teachers,  and supporting frontline first responders to get ground reports to design solutions. C3 is also conducting telephonic In...
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Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3): Information Dissemination in Bihar

In Bihar, the Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3) is creating awareness about COVID-19, including  prevention, hygiene, social distancing and isolation, and combating stigma. – Created a series of messages for...
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Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3): Relief to Old Delhi Shelter Home

C3 is working to provide immediate relief (ration and hygiene kits) in the Old Delhi Shelter Home through a partner. In addition, C3 plans to support 1000 vulnerable families in...
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Central Square Foundation: Supporting Use of EdTech to Aid Education Delivery

Central Square Foundation has been working with the government, supporting MHRD and states to use EdTEch to aid education delivery. The team is working to strengthen the implementation of the...
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Barefoot College: Immediate Relief in Rajasthan

Globally, Barefoot College has pivoted to prioritize a response to COVID-19. In India, Barefoot College is distributing survival kits, employing rural women to make face masks, and purchasing food from...
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Atma: COVID-19 Resource Collaborative for Fundraising and Team Management within the Social Sector

Atma has launched a collaborative initiated to bring together resources from across the social sector on how we are all responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Atma has develped a Google...
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Arthan: Building Civil Society Organizations of the Future

Arthan is launching a long term, future-oriented and multi-stakeholder initiative, ‘Building Civil Society Organisations of the Future’. This online to offline initiative begins with a track on ‘The future of...
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J-PAL: Research and Policy Recommendations for COVID-19 Related Interventions

Affiliated researchers of J-PAL are already conducting research around COVID-19, covering a range of issues. In addition, J-PAL is currently providing advice on policy and program design for social protection,...
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