
Digital Resources – Enabling Learning for All

Pratham Institute

In the last twenty five years, Pratham has worked on scale with children across the country on a range of educational interventions and in a variety of learning contexts. In these difficult times, Pratham is working to provide children across the country access to engaging learning content. Currently we have 3000+ videos, 400+ games, 200+ stories and 3 learning applications across 12 languages.

Pratham’s Digital content has been created for three domains – preparation for school, preparation for life and preparation for work. There is something for everyone, from age 3 to 18+. These resources have been created to encourage groups and individuals to do activities and projects by themselves.

All these resources are available for free and can be accessed by downloading the PraDigi App or visiting our website Videos have been made available on Pratham Open School YouTube channels as well. Our digital content is also available on the National Teacher Training Platform (Diksha) which can be accessed by government teachers and school authorities and has been uploaded on a variety of distance learning portals (EAA, Kolibri).

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  • Pan-India


  • Apps


  • Education