Reap Benefit has created a data dashboard which contains:
a) A National Information Dashboard that
– Maps hot spots where migrant labor and others from the 60% poor need help (Food/Meds/Shelter etc.);
– Creates hyper-local networks of support in terms of healthcare, local schemes & food
– Community Feedback: Reverses the flow of information and make citizens information sensors
– Maps Hotspots in terms of health support and government support
– Tracks status of need fulfilment of local government policies
– Provides Data and Analytics around this to the Local Govt. with whom we are working closely
b) A WhatsApp tool for one-on-one communication in the local language (currently available in English; Hindi,
Kannada, Tamil to be added) around community healthcare and local schemes
c) Civic Volunteer Networks (already begun in Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Mysore – more to be
added) – in addition to our existing network