
‘Most rural youngsters aspire to become entrepreneurs’

Sambodhi Research

Nearly half of the rural youth who participated in a pan India study aspire to become entrepreneurs and 9 out of 10 rural businesses surveyed were found to be first-generation enterprises. As many as 2,041 rural businesses and 1,906 young enterprise aspirants in the age group of 16-29 years were part of the ‘Insights into Rural Entrepreneurship’‘ study conducted by the Development Alternatives Group, a social enterprise and global think tank in collaboration with Development Intelligence Unit. One of the most significant findings of the survey was the clear indication shown by youth to set up their own businesses. The study broadly focussed on entrepreneurial aspirations, access to support services, job creation and other factors. Today, the rural and peri-urban migrants are younger than ever; they are agile, aspirational, with higher school years, and with mobile and digital access, according to the study.

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  • Pan-India


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  • Financial inclusion
  • Livelihoods