
Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability

Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability

Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) is an independent, non-profit policy research organisation based in Delhi. It works towards enhancing transparency and accountability in fiscal governance in India through rigorous analysis of policies and government budgets and fostering people’s participation by demystifying the issues in this domain. CBGA carries out in-depth research on a range of sectors, in order to understand: how responsive the government policies and programmes are to regional and social disparity; whether the pro-poor public policies are backed with adequate budgetary resources; and what are the institutional and procedural bottlenecks impeding the implementation of programmes and schemes on the ground.


  • Pan-India


  • Capacity Building
  • Policy-Research Organisation
  • Think Tank


  • Agriculture and Food Security
  • Education
  • Governance


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