The Role of Small Cities in Shaping Youth Employment Outcomes in India and Indonesia
JustJobs Network
This report is part of a research program examining small cities in India and Indonesia from the perspective of employment, migration and youth, led by Mukta Naik of Centre for Policy Research (CPR) and Gregory F Randolph of JustJobs Network (JJN).
Small cities are critical in realizing the demographic dividend:
- A high share of non-farm employment already exists in small cities
- Small cities are critical in facilitating rural-urban migration
- Small towns are proliferating due to rural-to-urban transformations
Key findings:
- Small cities are at the cusp of migration pathways
- Emerging small city economies can be specialized
- Economic mobility is not guaranteed; some get stuck in 'dead end' jobs
- Small cities provide an opportunity for women to negotiate new economic roles
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