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Access Health: Implementation Support to States on Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana

ACCESS Health provides strategic support and institutional capacity development to selected State Health Agencies (SHA) on insurance design and management. The objective is 1. Building capacities for efficient and effective...
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Pratham: Partnerships with Governments

The lockdown in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to school closure across the country. While children are not physically attending school, many state government education departments have...
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Pratham: Helping Communities in Uttar Pradesh Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

In Sitapur, Barabanki and a few other locations in Uttar Pradesh, Pratham is working to support communities navigate the COVID-19 crisis. Our goal is to i) understand access to food,...
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ASER Centre/Pratham: Assessing Undernutrition in India During COVID – 19

ASER Centre/Pratham Education Foundation and RTI International India are collaborating to conduct a rapid assessment on undernutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic. UNICEF India will be a technical partner. The objective...
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RTI International: COVID 19 Catalytic Partnership with India Alliance (DBT/Welcome Trust)

This partnership will allow researchers based in academia, industry and the social sector in India to take up COVID-19-related research that has an immediate transformative impact and future possibilities. The...
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Madras Institute of Development Studies: Tamil Nadu Covid Pulse Survey 2020 (TNCPS 2020)

The project is designed as a series of rapid pulse surveys to get a quick understanding of the status of economy and society in Tamil Nadu in the aftermath of...
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Humana People to People: Significance of Community-Level Health workers during COVID 19

In the current health crisis that we all are in, being anxious and worried about our health and our family’s well-being is quite prevalent. In such times, the role of...
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IPE Global: Close the Gap in Nutrition

Project Close the Gap in Nutrition is implemented by IPE Global as a proof of concept, to build evidence on the role of accountability in improving delivery of nutrition services....
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Humana People to People: Skill Development Programmes – Fighting COVID-19, Securing Livelihoods

Women across the world have been in the frontline to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. In HPPI’s entrepreneurship, education and community development projects, too, women have been contributing to fighting the...
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Humana People to People: Education-related Efforts in Ongoing Project Areas

Humana People to People India currently has ongoing projects in 70 Districts across 14 States. – In teacher education, we have engaged with approximately 3,500 student teachers through online classrooms,...
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IFPRI: Monitoring COVID’s Impact on Nutrition and Food Security

We are liaising with UNICEF India and IDinsight around some monitoring/data work on how nutrition services and food security are affected in coming weeks and months because of the pandemic...
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Pratham: Providing Food and Relief Support in Mumbai

Our Mumbai team (Pratham Mumbai Education Initiative) is working with local volunteers and organizations, with the support of the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai, to implement the Mumbai Food Project with...
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