
Support for Migrant Households: Lessons from the Pandemic

May 26, 2022

Support for Migrant Households: Lessons from the Pandemic

Summary: Over two years ago, the nationwide lockdown at the start of the pandemic saw a massive displacement of informally employed migrants who were forced to return to their native states by any means available. It was a question of survival for them, but also a clear lapse of system-wide social protection measures. The cracks, however, were apparent even before the pandemic began. With lack of safeguards at workplaces and living spaces in cities, informal workers have historically been vulnerable in spite of policy measures. However, the additional vulnerabilities faced by migrants, who work in locations other than their home locations, have only recently got particular attention. During the pandemic, many attempts were made to protect the interests of informally employed migrant workers and their households through policy and CSO interventions.

The first session of a new three-part series dove into the post-pandemic scenario for migrant labour. Among the discussion points will be:

  • Given these past experiences, how are governments, civil society and employers responding to issues related to migration at this time?
  • What have been the lessons learned and how are they informing policy and practice?


  • Umi Daniel (Director, Migration and Education, Aide et Action International)
  • Dr. Mittali Sethi (Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Chandrapur, Maharashtra)
  • Johnson Topno (Regional Head of Programme, PHIA Foundation)


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